// This file is part of OpenCV project. // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html. #ifndef __OPENCV_FOURIERDESCRIPTORS_HPP__ #define __OPENCV_FOURIERDESCRIPTORS_HPP__ #include namespace cv { namespace ximgproc { //! @addtogroup ximgproc_fourier //! @{ /** @brief Class for ContourFitting algorithms. ContourFitting match two contours \f$ z_a \f$ and \f$ z_b \f$ minimizing distance \f[ d(z_a,z_b)=\sum (a_n - s b_n e^{j(n \alpha +\phi )})^2 \f] where \f$ a_n \f$ and \f$ b_n \f$ are Fourier descriptors of \f$ z_a \f$ and \f$ z_b \f$ and s is a scaling factor and \f$ \phi \f$ is angle rotation and \f$ \alpha \f$ is starting point factor adjustement */ class CV_EXPORTS_W ContourFitting : public Algorithm { int ctrSize; int fdSize; std::vector > b; std::vector > a; std::vector frequence; std::vector rho, psi; void frequencyInit(); void fAlpha(double x, double &fn, double &df); double distance(std::complex r, double alpha); double newtonRaphson(double x1, double x2); public: /** @brief Fit two closed curves using fourier descriptors. More details in @cite PersoonFu1977 and @cite BergerRaghunathan1998 * @param ctr number of Fourier descriptors equal to number of contour points after resampling. * @param fd Contour defining second shape (Target). */ ContourFitting(int ctr=1024,int fd=16):ctrSize(ctr),fdSize(fd){}; /** @brief Fit two closed curves using fourier descriptors. More details in @cite PersoonFu1977 and @cite BergerRaghunathan1998 @param src Contour defining first shape. @param dst Contour defining second shape (Target). @param alphaPhiST : \f$ \alpha \f$=alphaPhiST(0,0), \f$ \phi \f$=alphaPhiST(0,1) (in radian), s=alphaPhiST(0,2), Tx=alphaPhiST(0,3), Ty=alphaPhiST(0,4) rotation center @param dist distance between src and dst after matching. @param fdContour false then src and dst are contours and true src and dst are fourier descriptors. */ void estimateTransformation(InputArray src, InputArray dst, OutputArray alphaPhiST, double *dist = 0, bool fdContour = false); /** @brief Fit two closed curves using fourier descriptors. More details in @cite PersoonFu1977 and @cite BergerRaghunathan1998 @param src Contour defining first shape. @param dst Contour defining second shape (Target). @param alphaPhiST : \f$ \alpha \f$=alphaPhiST(0,0), \f$ \phi \f$=alphaPhiST(0,1) (in radian), s=alphaPhiST(0,2), Tx=alphaPhiST(0,3), Ty=alphaPhiST(0,4) rotation center @param dist distance between src and dst after matching. @param fdContour false then src and dst are contours and true src and dst are fourier descriptors. */ CV_WRAP void estimateTransformation(InputArray src, InputArray dst, OutputArray alphaPhiST, CV_OUT double &dist , bool fdContour = false); /** @brief set number of Fourier descriptors used in estimateTransformation @param n number of Fourier descriptors equal to number of contour points after resampling. */ CV_WRAP void setCtrSize(int n); /** @brief set number of Fourier descriptors when estimateTransformation used vector @param n number of fourier descriptors used for optimal curve matching. */ CV_WRAP void setFDSize(int n); /** @returns number of fourier descriptors */ CV_WRAP int getCtrSize() { return ctrSize; }; /** @returns number of fourier descriptors used for optimal curve matching */ CV_WRAP int getFDSize() { return fdSize; }; }; /** * @brief Fourier descriptors for planed closed curves * * For more details about this implementation, please see @cite PersoonFu1977 * * @param src contour type vector , vector or vector * @param dst Mat of type CV_64FC2 and nbElt rows A VERIFIER * @param nbElt number of rows in dst or getOptimalDFTSize rows if nbElt=-1 * @param nbFD number of FD return in dst dst = [FD(1...nbFD/2) FD(nbFD/2-nbElt+1...:nbElt)] * */ CV_EXPORTS_W void fourierDescriptor(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int nbElt=-1,int nbFD=-1); /** * @brief transform a contour * * @param src contour or Fourier Descriptors if fd is true * @param t transform Mat given by estimateTransformation * @param dst Mat of type CV_64FC2 and nbElt rows * @param fdContour true src are Fourier Descriptors. fdContour false src is a contour * */ CV_EXPORTS_W void transformFD(InputArray src, InputArray t,OutputArray dst, bool fdContour=true); /** * @brief Contour sampling . * * @param src contour type vector , vector or vector * @param out Mat of type CV_64FC2 and nbElt rows * @param nbElt number of points in out contour * */ CV_EXPORTS_W void contourSampling(InputArray src, OutputArray out, int nbElt); /** * @brief create ContourFitting algorithm object * * @param ctr number of Fourier descriptors equal to number of contour points after resampling. * @param fd Contour defining second shape (Target). */ CV_EXPORTS_W Ptr createContourFitting(int ctr = 1024, int fd = 16); //! @} ximgproc_fourier } } #endif