/* * Copyright 2020 Rockchip Electronics Co. LTD * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define MODULE_TAG "mpi_dec_utils" #include #include #include "rk_mpi.h" #include "mpp_env.h" #include "mpp_mem.h" #include "mpp_lock.h" #include "mpp_time.h" #include "mpp_common.h" #include "mpp_buffer.h" #include "mpp_opt.h" #include "mpi_dec_utils.h" #define IVF_HEADER_LENGTH 32 #define IVF_FRAME_HEADER_LENGTH 12 #define DEFAULT_PACKET_SIZE SZ_4K typedef enum { FILE_NORMAL_TYPE, FILE_JPEG_TYPE, FILE_IVF_TYPE, FILE_BUTT, } FileType; typedef FileBufSlot *(*ReaderFunc)(FileReader data); typedef struct FileReader_t { FILE *fp_input; size_t file_size; MppCodingType type; FileType file_type; char *buf; size_t buf_size; size_t stuff_size; RK_S32 seek_base; ReaderFunc read_func; /* return value for each read */ size_t read_total; size_t read_size; MppBufferGroup group; pthread_t thd; volatile RK_U32 thd_stop; RK_U32 slot_max; RK_U32 slot_cnt; RK_U32 slot_rd_idx; FileBufSlot **slots; } FileReaderImpl; #define READ_ONCE(var) (*((volatile typeof(var) *)(&(var)))) OptionInfo mpi_dec_cmd[] = { {"i", "input_file", "input bitstream file"}, {"o", "output_file", "output bitstream file, "}, {"c", "ops_file", "input operation config file"}, {"w", "width", "the width of input bitstream"}, {"h", "height", "the height of input bitstream"}, {"t", "type", "input stream coding type"}, {"f", "format", "output frame format type"}, {"x", "timeout", "output timeout interval"}, {"n", "frame_number", "max output frame number"}, {"s", "instance_nb", "number of instances"}, {"v", "trace", "q - quiet f - show fps"}, {"c", "verify_file", "verify file for slt check"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL}, }; static MPP_RET add_new_slot(FileReaderImpl* impl, FileBufSlot *slot) { mpp_assert(impl); slot->index = impl->slot_cnt; impl->slots[impl->slot_cnt] = slot; impl->slot_cnt++; if (impl->slot_cnt >= impl->slot_max) { impl->slots = mpp_realloc(impl->slots, FileBufSlot*, impl->slot_max * 2); if (!impl->slots) return MPP_NOK; impl->slot_max *= 2; } mpp_assert(impl->slots); mpp_assert(impl->slot_cnt < impl->slot_max); return MPP_OK; } static FileBufSlot *read_ivf_file(FileReader data) { FileReaderImpl *impl = (FileReaderImpl*)data; RK_U8 ivf_data[IVF_FRAME_HEADER_LENGTH] = {0}; size_t ivf_data_size = IVF_FRAME_HEADER_LENGTH; FILE *fp = impl->fp_input; FileBufSlot *slot = NULL; size_t data_size = 0; size_t read_size = 0; RK_U32 eos = 0; if (fread(ivf_data, 1, ivf_data_size, fp) != ivf_data_size) { /* end of frame queue */ slot = mpp_calloc(FileBufSlot, 1); slot->eos = 1; return slot; } impl->read_total += ivf_data_size; data_size = ivf_data[0] | (ivf_data[1] << 8) | (ivf_data[2] << 16) | (ivf_data[3] << 24); slot = mpp_malloc_size(FileBufSlot, MPP_ALIGN(sizeof(FileBufSlot) + data_size, SZ_4K)); slot->data = (char *)(slot + 1); read_size = fread(slot->data, 1, data_size, fp); impl->read_total += read_size; impl->read_size = read_size; if (!data_size) mpp_err("data_size is zero! ftell size %d\n", ftell(fp)); /* check reach eos whether or not */ if (!data_size || read_size != data_size || feof(fp) || impl->read_total >= impl->file_size) eos = 1; slot->buf = NULL; slot->size = read_size; slot->eos = eos; return slot; } static FileBufSlot *read_jpeg_file(FileReader data) { FileReaderImpl *impl = (FileReaderImpl*)data; FILE *fp = impl->fp_input; size_t read_size = 0; size_t buf_size = impl->file_size; MppBuffer hw_buf = NULL; FileBufSlot *slot = mpp_calloc(FileBufSlot, 1); mpp_buffer_get(impl->group, &hw_buf, impl->file_size); mpp_assert(hw_buf); slot->data = mpp_buffer_get_ptr(hw_buf); mpp_assert(slot->data); read_size = fread(slot->data, 1, buf_size, fp); mpp_assert(read_size == buf_size); impl->read_total += read_size; impl->read_size = read_size; slot->buf = hw_buf; slot->size = read_size; slot->eos = 1; return slot; } static FileBufSlot *read_normal_file(FileReader data) { FileReaderImpl *impl = (FileReaderImpl*)data; FILE *fp = impl->fp_input; size_t read_size = 0; size_t buf_size = impl->buf_size; size_t size = sizeof(FileBufSlot) + buf_size + impl->stuff_size; FileBufSlot *slot = mpp_malloc_size(FileBufSlot, size); RK_U32 eos = 0; slot->data = (char *)(slot + 1); read_size = fread(slot->data, 1, buf_size, fp); impl->read_total += read_size; impl->read_size = read_size; /* check reach eos whether or not */ if (read_size != buf_size || feof(fp) || impl->read_total >= impl->file_size) eos = 1; slot->buf = NULL; slot->size = read_size; slot->eos = eos; return slot; } static void check_file_type(FileReader data, char *file_in, MppCodingType type) { FileReaderImpl *impl = (FileReaderImpl*)data; if (strstr(file_in, ".ivf")) { impl->file_type = FILE_IVF_TYPE; impl->buf_size = 0; impl->stuff_size = 0; impl->seek_base = IVF_HEADER_LENGTH; impl->read_func = read_ivf_file; impl->slot_max = 1024; /* preset 1024 file slots */ fseek(impl->fp_input, impl->seek_base, SEEK_SET); impl->read_total = impl->seek_base; } else if (strstr(file_in, ".jpg") || strstr(file_in, ".jpeg") || strstr(file_in, ".mjpeg") || type == MPP_VIDEO_CodingMJPEG) { impl->file_type = FILE_JPEG_TYPE; impl->buf_size = impl->file_size; impl->stuff_size = 0; impl->seek_base = 0; impl->read_func = read_jpeg_file; impl->slot_max = 1; mpp_buffer_group_get_internal(&impl->group, MPP_BUFFER_TYPE_ION); mpp_assert(impl->group); } else { RK_U32 buf_size = 0; mpp_env_get_u32("reader_buf_size", &buf_size, DEFAULT_PACKET_SIZE); buf_size = MPP_MAX(buf_size, SZ_4K); buf_size = MPP_ALIGN(buf_size, SZ_4K); impl->file_type = FILE_NORMAL_TYPE; impl->buf_size = buf_size; impl->stuff_size = 256; impl->seek_base = 0; impl->read_func = read_normal_file; impl->slot_max = 1024; /* preset 1024 file slots */ } } size_t reader_size(FileReader reader) { FileReaderImpl *impl = (FileReaderImpl*)reader; size_t size = 0; if (impl) size = impl->file_size; return size; } MPP_RET reader_read(FileReader reader, FileBufSlot **buf) { FileReaderImpl *impl = (FileReaderImpl*)reader; FileBufSlot *slot = NULL; if (NULL == impl || NULL == impl->slots) { mpp_log_f("invalid reader %p\n", reader); return MPP_NOK; } if (impl->slot_rd_idx >= impl->slot_max) { mpp_log_f("invalid read index % max %d\n", impl->slot_rd_idx, impl->slot_max); return MPP_NOK; } do { slot = impl->slots[impl->slot_rd_idx]; if (slot == NULL || (impl->slot_rd_idx > impl->slot_cnt)) msleep(1); } while (slot == NULL); mpp_assert(slot); *buf = slot; impl->slot_rd_idx++; return MPP_OK; } MPP_RET reader_index_read(FileReader reader, RK_S32 index, FileBufSlot **buf) { FileReaderImpl *impl = (FileReaderImpl*)reader; FileBufSlot *slot = NULL; if (NULL == impl || NULL == impl->slots) { mpp_log_f("invalid reader %p\n", reader); return MPP_NOK; } if (index >= (RK_S32)impl->slot_max) { mpp_log_f("invalid read index % max %d\n", index, impl->slot_max); return MPP_NOK; } do { slot = impl->slots[index]; if (slot == NULL) msleep(1); } while (slot == NULL); mpp_assert(slot); *buf = slot; return MPP_OK; } void reader_rewind(FileReader reader) { FileReaderImpl *impl = (FileReaderImpl*)reader; impl->slot_rd_idx = 0; } void reader_init(FileReader* reader, char* file_in, MppCodingType type) { FILE *fp_input = fopen(file_in, "rb"); FileReaderImpl *impl = NULL; if (!fp_input) { mpp_err("failed to open input file %s\n", file_in); *reader = NULL; return; } impl = mpp_calloc(FileReaderImpl, 1); mpp_assert(impl); impl->fp_input = fp_input; fseek(fp_input, 0L, SEEK_END); impl->file_size = ftell(fp_input); fseek(fp_input, 0L, SEEK_SET); check_file_type(impl, file_in, type); impl->slots = mpp_calloc(FileBufSlot*, impl->slot_max); reader_start(impl); *reader = impl; } void reader_deinit(FileReader reader) { FileReaderImpl *impl = (FileReaderImpl*)(reader); RK_U32 i; mpp_assert(impl); reader_stop(impl); if (impl->fp_input) { fclose(impl->fp_input); impl->fp_input = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < impl->slot_cnt; i++) { FileBufSlot *slot = impl->slots[i]; if (!slot) continue; if (slot->buf) { mpp_buffer_put(slot->buf); slot->buf = NULL; } MPP_FREE(impl->slots[i]); } if (impl->group) { mpp_buffer_group_put(impl->group); impl->group = NULL; } MPP_FREE(impl->slots); MPP_FREE(impl); } static void* reader_worker(void *param) { FileReaderImpl *impl = (FileReaderImpl*)param; RK_U32 eos = 0; while (!impl->thd_stop && !eos) { FileBufSlot *slot = impl->read_func(impl); if (NULL == slot) break; add_new_slot(impl, slot); eos = slot->eos; } return NULL; } void reader_start(FileReader reader) { FileReaderImpl *impl = (FileReaderImpl*)reader; impl->thd_stop = 0; pthread_create(&impl->thd, NULL, reader_worker, impl); } void reader_sync(FileReader reader) { FileReaderImpl *impl = (FileReaderImpl*)reader; pthread_join(impl->thd, NULL); impl->thd_stop = 1; } void reader_stop(FileReader reader) { FileReaderImpl *impl = (FileReaderImpl*)reader; if (MPP_BOOL_CAS(&impl->thd_stop, 0, 1)) pthread_join(impl->thd, NULL); } void show_dec_fps(RK_S64 total_time, RK_S64 total_count, RK_S64 last_time, RK_S64 last_count) { float avg_fps = (float)total_count * 1000000 / total_time; float ins_fps = (float)last_count * 1000000 / last_time; mpp_log("decoded %10lld frame fps avg %7.2f ins %7.2f\n", total_count, avg_fps, ins_fps); } RK_S32 mpi_dec_opt_i(void *ctx, const char *next) { MpiDecTestCmd *cmd = (MpiDecTestCmd *)ctx; if (next) { strncpy(cmd->file_input, next, MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH - 1); cmd->have_input = 1; if (!cmd->type) name_to_coding_type(cmd->file_input, &cmd->type); return 1; } mpp_err("input file is invalid\n"); return 0; } RK_S32 mpi_dec_opt_o(void *ctx, const char *next) { MpiDecTestCmd *cmd = (MpiDecTestCmd *)ctx; if (next) { strncpy(cmd->file_output, next, MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH - 1); cmd->have_output = 1; return 1; } mpp_log("output file is invalid\n"); return 0; } RK_S32 mpi_dec_opt_w(void *ctx, const char *next) { MpiDecTestCmd *cmd = (MpiDecTestCmd *)ctx; if (next) { cmd->width = atoi(next); return 1; } mpp_err("invalid input width\n"); return 0; } RK_S32 mpi_dec_opt_h(void *ctx, const char *next) { MpiDecTestCmd *cmd = (MpiDecTestCmd *)ctx; if (next) { cmd->height = atoi(next); return 1; } mpp_err("invalid input height\n"); return 0; } RK_S32 mpi_dec_opt_t(void *ctx, const char *next) { MpiDecTestCmd *cmd = (MpiDecTestCmd *)ctx; if (next) { MPP_RET ret; cmd->type = (MppCodingType)atoi(next); ret = mpp_check_support_format(MPP_CTX_DEC, cmd->type); if (!ret) return 1; } mpp_err("invalid input coding type\n"); return 0; } RK_S32 mpi_dec_opt_f(void *ctx, const char *next) { MpiDecTestCmd *cmd = (MpiDecTestCmd *)ctx; if (next) { long number = 0; MppFrameFormat format = MPP_FMT_BUTT; if (MPP_OK == str_to_frm_fmt(next, &number)) { format = (MppFrameFormat)number; if (MPP_FRAME_FMT_IS_YUV(format) || MPP_FRAME_FMT_IS_RGB(format)) { cmd->format = format; return 1; } mpp_err("invalid input format 0x%x\n", format); } } cmd->format = MPP_FMT_YUV420SP; return 0; } RK_S32 mpi_dec_opt_n(void *ctx, const char *next) { MpiDecTestCmd *cmd = (MpiDecTestCmd *)ctx; if (next) { cmd->frame_num = atoi(next); if (cmd->frame_num < 0) mpp_log("infinite loop decoding mode\n"); return 1; } mpp_err("invalid frame number\n"); return 0; } RK_S32 mpi_dec_opt_s(void *ctx, const char *next) { MpiDecTestCmd *cmd = (MpiDecTestCmd *)ctx; cmd->nthreads = -1; if (next) { cmd->nthreads = atoi(next); if (cmd->nthreads >= 1) return 1; } mpp_err("invalid nthreads %d\n", cmd->nthreads); cmd->nthreads = 1; return 0; } RK_S32 mpi_dec_opt_v(void *ctx, const char *next) { MpiDecTestCmd *cmd = (MpiDecTestCmd *)ctx; if (next) { if (strstr(next, "q")) cmd->quiet = 1; if (strstr(next, "f")) cmd->trace_fps = 1; return 1; } return 0; } RK_S32 mpi_dec_opt_slt(void *ctx, const char *next) { MpiDecTestCmd *cmd = (MpiDecTestCmd *)ctx; if (next) { size_t len = strnlen(next, MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH); if (len) { cmd->file_slt = mpp_calloc(char, len + 1); strncpy(cmd->file_slt, next, len); return 1; } } mpp_err("input slt verify file is invalid\n"); return 0; } RK_S32 mpi_dec_opt_help(void *ctx, const char *next) { (void)ctx; (void)next; /* return invalid option to print help */ return -1; } static MppOptInfo dec_opts[] = { {"i", "input_file", "input bitstream file", mpi_dec_opt_i}, {"o", "output_file", "output decoded frame file", mpi_dec_opt_o}, {"w", "width", "the width of input bitstream", mpi_dec_opt_w}, {"h", "height", "the height of input bitstream", mpi_dec_opt_h}, {"t", "type", "input stream coding type", mpi_dec_opt_t}, {"f", "format", "output frame format type", mpi_dec_opt_f}, {"n", "frame_number", "max output frame number", mpi_dec_opt_n}, {"s", "instance_nb", "number of instances", mpi_dec_opt_s}, {"v", "trace option", "q - quiet f - show fps", mpi_dec_opt_v}, {"slt", "slt file", "slt verify data file", mpi_dec_opt_slt}, {"help", "help", "show help", mpi_dec_opt_help}, }; static RK_U32 dec_opt_cnt = MPP_ARRAY_ELEMS(dec_opts); RK_S32 mpi_dec_show_help(const char *name) { RK_U32 max_name = 1; RK_U32 max_full_name = 1; RK_U32 max_help = 1; char logs[256]; RK_U32 len; RK_U32 i; mpp_log("usage: %s [options]\n", name); for (i = 0; i < dec_opt_cnt; i++) { MppOptInfo *opt = &dec_opts[i]; if (opt->name) { len = strlen(opt->name); if (len > max_name) max_name = len; } if (opt->full_name) { len = strlen(opt->full_name); if (len > max_full_name) max_full_name = len; } if (opt->help) { len = strlen(opt->help); if (len > max_help) max_help = len; } } snprintf(logs, sizeof(logs) - 1, "-%%-%ds %%-%ds %%-%ds\n", max_name, max_full_name, max_help); for (i = 0; i < dec_opt_cnt; i++) { MppOptInfo *opt = &dec_opts[i]; mpp_log(logs, opt->name, opt->full_name, opt->help); } mpp_show_support_format(); return -1; } RK_S32 mpi_dec_test_cmd_init(MpiDecTestCmd* cmd, int argc, char **argv) { MppOpt opts = NULL; RK_S32 ret = -1; RK_U32 i; if ((argc < 2) || (cmd == NULL)) goto done; mpp_opt_init(&opts); /* should change node count when option increases */ mpp_opt_setup(opts, cmd, 22, dec_opt_cnt); for (i = 0; i < dec_opt_cnt; i++) mpp_opt_add(opts, &dec_opts[i]); /* mark option end */ mpp_opt_add(opts, NULL); ret = mpp_opt_parse(opts, argc, argv); if (cmd->have_input) { reader_init(&cmd->reader, cmd->file_input, cmd->type); if (cmd->reader) mpp_log("input file %s size %ld\n", cmd->file_input, reader_size(cmd->reader)); } if (cmd->trace_fps) { fps_calc_init(&cmd->fps); mpp_assert(cmd->fps); fps_calc_set_cb(cmd->fps, show_dec_fps); } done: if (opts) { mpp_opt_deinit(opts); opts = NULL; } if (ret) mpi_dec_show_help(argv[0]); return ret; } RK_S32 mpi_dec_test_cmd_deinit(MpiDecTestCmd* cmd) { if (!cmd) return 0; if (cmd->reader) { reader_deinit(cmd->reader); cmd->reader = NULL; } MPP_FREE(cmd->file_slt); if (cmd->fps) { fps_calc_deinit(cmd->fps); cmd->fps = NULL; } return 0; } void mpi_dec_test_cmd_options(MpiDecTestCmd* cmd) { if (cmd->quiet) return; mpp_log("cmd parse result:\n"); mpp_log("input file name: %s\n", cmd->file_input); mpp_log("output file name: %s\n", cmd->file_output); mpp_log("width : %4d\n", cmd->width); mpp_log("height : %4d\n", cmd->height); mpp_log("type : %4d\n", cmd->type); mpp_log("max frames : %4d\n", cmd->frame_num); if (cmd->file_slt) mpp_log("verify : %s\n", cmd->file_slt); }