/* * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Alexey Shcherbakov * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Matt Broadstone * Contact: https://github.com/mbroadst/qamqp * * This file is part of the QAMQP Library. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ #ifndef QAMQPQUEUE_H #define QAMQPQUEUE_H #include #include "qamqpchannel.h" #include "qamqpmessage.h" #include "qamqpglobal.h" #include "qamqptable.h" class QAmqpClient; class QAmqpClientPrivate; class QAmqpExchange; class QAmqpQueuePrivate; class QAMQP_EXPORT QAmqpQueue : public QAmqpChannel, public QQueue { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(int options READ options CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(QString consumerTag READ consumerTag WRITE setConsumerTag) public: enum QueueOption { NoOptions = 0x0, Passive = 0x01, Durable = 0x02, Exclusive = 0x04, AutoDelete = 0x08, NoWait = 0x10 }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(QueueOptions, QueueOption) Q_ENUM(QueueOption) Q_ENUM(QueueOptions) int options() const; enum ConsumeOption { coNoLocal = 0x01, coNoAck = 0x02, coExclusive = 0x04, coNoWait = 0x08 }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(ConsumeOptions, ConsumeOption) Q_ENUM(ConsumeOption) enum RemoveOption { roForce = 0x0, roIfUnused = 0x01, roIfEmpty = 0x02, roNoWait = 0x04 }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(RemoveOptions, RemoveOption) Q_ENUM(RemoveOption) ~QAmqpQueue(); bool isConsuming() const; bool isDeclared() const; void setConsumerTag(const QString &consumerTag); QString consumerTag() const; qint32 messageCount() const; qint32 consumerCount() const; Q_SIGNALS: void declared(); void bound(); void unbound(); void removed(); void purged(int messageCount); void messageReceived(); void empty(); void consuming(const QString &consumerTag); void cancelled(const QString &consumerTag); public Q_SLOTS: // AMQP Queue void declare(int options = Durable|AutoDelete, const QAmqpTable &arguments = QAmqpTable()); void bind(const QString &exchangeName, const QString &key); void bind(QAmqpExchange *exchange, const QString &key); void unbind(const QString &exchangeName, const QString &key); void unbind(QAmqpExchange *exchange, const QString &key); void purge(); void remove(int options = roIfUnused|roIfEmpty|roNoWait); // AMQP Basic bool consume(int options = NoOptions); void get(bool noAck = true); bool cancel(bool noWait = false); void ack(const QAmqpMessage &message); void ack(qlonglong deliveryTag, bool multiple); void reject(const QAmqpMessage &message, bool requeue); void reject(qlonglong deliveryTag, bool requeue); protected: // reimp Channel virtual void channelOpened(); virtual void channelClosed(); private: explicit QAmqpQueue(int channelNumber = -1, QAmqpClient *parent = 0); Q_DISABLE_COPY(QAmqpQueue) Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(QAmqpQueue) friend class QAmqpClient; friend class QAmqpClientPrivate; }; #endif // QAMQPQUEUE_H