/* * ** File generated automatically, do not modify ** * * This file defines the list of modules available in current build configuration * * */ // This definition means that OpenCV is built with enabled non-free code. // For example, patented algorithms for non-profit/non-commercial use only. /* #undef OPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE */ #define HAVE_OPENCV_CALIB3D #define HAVE_OPENCV_CORE #define HAVE_OPENCV_DNN #define HAVE_OPENCV_FEATURES2D #define HAVE_OPENCV_FLANN #define HAVE_OPENCV_HIGHGUI #define HAVE_OPENCV_IMGCODECS #define HAVE_OPENCV_IMGPROC #define HAVE_OPENCV_ML #define HAVE_OPENCV_OBJDETECT #define HAVE_OPENCV_PHOTO #define HAVE_OPENCV_SHAPE #define HAVE_OPENCV_STITCHING #define HAVE_OPENCV_SUPERRES #define HAVE_OPENCV_VIDEO #define HAVE_OPENCV_VIDEOIO #define HAVE_OPENCV_VIDEOSTAB