// This file is part of OpenCV project. // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html. #ifndef OPENCV_VIDEOIO_REGISTRY_HPP #define OPENCV_VIDEOIO_REGISTRY_HPP #include namespace cv { namespace videoio_registry { /** @addtogroup videoio_registry This section contains API description how to query/configure available Video I/O backends. Runtime configuration options: - enable debug mode: `OPENCV_VIDEOIO_DEBUG=1` - change backend priority: `OPENCV_VIDEOIO_PRIORITY_=9999` - disable backend: `OPENCV_VIDEOIO_PRIORITY_=0` - specify list of backends with high priority (>100000): `OPENCV_VIDEOIO_PRIORITY_LIST=FFMPEG,GSTREAMER` @{ */ /** @brief Returns backend API name or "unknown" @param api backend ID (#VideoCaptureAPIs) */ CV_EXPORTS_W cv::String getBackendName(VideoCaptureAPIs api); /** @brief Returns list of all builtin backends */ CV_EXPORTS_W std::vector getBackends(); /** @brief Returns list of available backends which works via `cv::VideoCapture(int index)` */ CV_EXPORTS_W std::vector getCameraBackends(); /** @brief Returns list of available backends which works via `cv::VideoCapture(filename)` */ CV_EXPORTS_W std::vector getStreamBackends(); /** @brief Returns list of available backends which works via `cv::VideoWriter()` */ CV_EXPORTS_W std::vector getWriterBackends(); //! @} }} // namespace #endif // OPENCV_VIDEOIO_REGISTRY_HPP