2023-11-03 06:12:44 +00:00
model 初版SDK发布 2023-11-03 06:12:44 +00:00
src 初版SDK发布 2023-11-03 06:12:44 +00:00
build-android_RK356X.sh 初版SDK发布 2023-11-03 06:12:44 +00:00
build-android_RK3588.sh 初版SDK发布 2023-11-03 06:12:44 +00:00
build-linux_RK356X.sh 初版SDK发布 2023-11-03 06:12:44 +00:00
build-linux_RK3588.sh 初版SDK发布 2023-11-03 06:12:44 +00:00
CMakeLists.txt 初版SDK发布 2023-11-03 06:12:44 +00:00
README.md 初版SDK发布 2023-11-03 06:12:44 +00:00

The following <TARGET_PLATFORM> represents RK356X or RK3588

Aarch64 Linux Demo


modify GCC_COMPILER on build-linux_<TARGET_PLATFORM>.sh for target platform,

then execute



Copy install/rknn_common_test_Linux to the devices under /userdata/.

  • If you use rockchip's evb board, you can use the following way:

Connect device and push the program and rknn model to /userdata

adb push install/rknn_common_test_Linux /userdata/
  • If your board has sshd service, you can use scp or other methods to copy the program and rknn model to the board.


adb shell
cd /userdata/rknn_common_test_Linux/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib
./rknn_common_test model/<TARGET_PLATFORM>/mobilenet_v1.rknn model/dog_224x224.jpg

Android Demo


modify ANDROID_NDK_PATH on build-android_<TARGET_PLATFORM>.sh for target platform, then execute



connect device and push build output into /data

adb push install/rknn_common_test_Android /data/


adb shell
cd /data/rknn_common_test_Android/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib
./rknn_common_test model/<TARGET_PLATFORM>/mobilenet_v1.rknn model/dog_224x224.jpg