2023-11-03 06:12:44 +00:00

64 lines
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# Class to scan Python code for security issues, using Bandit.
# $ bitbake python-foo -c bandit
# Writes the report to $DEPLOY_DIR/bandit/python-foo.html.
# No output if no issues found, a warning if issues found.
# https://github.com/PyCQA/bandit
# Default location of sources, based on standard distutils
BANDIT_SOURCE ?= "${S}/build"
# The report format to use.
# https://bandit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/formatters/index.html
# Whether a scan should be done every time the recipe is built.
# By default the scanning needs to be done explicitly, but by setting BANDIT_AUTO
# to 1 the scan will be done whenever the recipe it built. Note that you
# shouldn't set BANDIT_AUTO to 1 globally as it will then try to scan every
# recipe, including non-Python recipes, causing circular loops.
# Whether Bandit finding issues results in a warning (0) or an error (1).
do_bandit[depends] = "python3-bandit-native:do_populate_sysroot"
python do_bandit() {
import os, subprocess
report = d.expand("${DEPLOY_DIR}/bandit/${PN}-${PV}.${BANDIT_FORMAT}")
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(report), exist_ok=True)
args = ("bandit",
"--format", d.getVar("BANDIT_FORMAT"),
"--output", report,
"--recursive", d.getVar("BANDIT_SOURCE"))
subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
bb.note("Bandit found no issues (report written to %s)" % report)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
if e.returncode == 1:
if oe.types.boolean(d.getVar("BANDIT_FATAL")):
bb.error("Bandit found issues (report written to %s)" % report)
bb.warn("Bandit found issues (report written to %s)" % report)
bb.error("Bandit failed:\n" + e.output.decode("utf-8"))
python() {
before = "do_build"
after = "do_compile"
if oe.types.boolean(d.getVar("BANDIT_AUTO")):
bb.build.addtask("do_bandit", before, after, d)
bb.build.addtask("do_bandit", None, after, d)
# TODO: store report in sstate
# TODO: a way to pass extra args or .bandit file, basically control -ll